Manny Sethi Thanks President Trump and Encourages Shutting Down the Borders if Pace of Transmission Increases


U.S. Republican senatorial candidate Manny Sethi thanked U.S. Republican President Donald Trump Thursday for announcing policies that Trump said will keep America safe during the Coronavirus outbreak.

“President Trump is exactly right. We must stop travel from heavily affected countries in Europe as well as around the world,” Sethi said in a press release.

“This is a national security threat, and we must shut down our borders to keep Americans safe if the pace of transmission continues to increase.”

Building off of a plan he released last week, Manny’s next steps include the following:

• Banning travel to the United States by all non-U.S. citizens who have been in a country affected by Coronavirus and mandating a self-quarantine period for U.S. citizens who have traveled to affected countries. Any country reporting exposed patients should be immediately added to the travel ban list and at-risk patients notified.

• Minimize exposure to non-infected individuals in clinics and emergency rooms across America with “at-home” or “curbside” immediate testing. Options include tests that can be delivered same day or overnight directly to a patient’s doorstep and curbside testing that can be done in the patient’s vehicle.

• Immediate need for national inventory on access to intensive care and triage. Hospitals must ensure the rapid ability to care for sicker patients and that these individuals are effectively quarantined from other non-infected patients. Centers for Disease Control should monitor and confirm that each state has adequate resources for containment and management.

• Basic hand-washing hygiene and self-quarantine if symptomatic are critical to containment. Continued preventative education within communities across America is vital.

• If a patient exhibits symptoms but tests negative for coronavirus, the patient should still self-quarantine. With current test accuracy in question, false negatives are occurring, and every patient with symptoms consistent with Coronavirus should self-quarantine for the entire incubation period.

As The Tennessee Star reported, Sethi, citing national security, said Tuesday that America should not depend on China for pharmaceutical products, and America should also secure its own supply chain of medicine.

Sethi is running to replace Tennessee’s retiring U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander.

As The Star reported last month, Sethi released a plan to address the Coronavirus. At the time, Sethi called the outbreak a “massive international crisis” that needs “something as bold and ambitious as a Manhattan Project-style effort to combat it.” Sethi also said Americans “must stop listening to the Wall Street elites, who are more worried about not spooking the markets and their pocketbooks than they are about protecting Americans.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi. 







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2 Thoughts to “Manny Sethi Thanks President Trump and Encourages Shutting Down the Borders if Pace of Transmission Increases”

  1. Ron Welch

    Good idea, Dr. Sethi. That, screening for diseases and protecting our citizens, has always been one of the reasons for immigration laws. We should continue to have “the rule of law” and “no one is above the law” for that and other reasons and not for what some may feel and sit in judgement of xenophobia.

  2. William R. Delzell

    Shutting down the borders will only stop people; it does not stop viruses.
